I recently upgraded my Jointer and Planer and am in interested in selling my existing equipment.
1) Delta 8″ DJ-20 Jointer $800-
-Byrd Helical butterhead
-230 Volt magnetic state with cod and wist lock plug
-78″ long bed cast ion bed
-5″ X 36″. cast iron fence
– With Mobil base
2)Delta DC-380 15″ Planer $750-
-6″ max height, 2 speed feed rate 16 & 30 FPM
-3 HP , 220 Volt motor
-Comes with mobil base
-Comes with Byrd Helical Cuttehead ($800 Value)
3) Supermax 19-38 Dum Sander- $800
Purchased 3 years ago for $2500
-Comes with Stand with folding indeed and outfield tables
-Comes with locking swivel wheels
-110 Volt 20 AMP 1 3/4 HP motor
-Conveyor motor is Variable speed DC from 0 to 10 FPM
-Max Width 38″ two passes
-Max thickness 4″
-Min thickness 1/32″
-4″ dust connection
Bob Hutchinson 516-633-1986, I can forward pictures if interested