Daryl Rosenblatt

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  • in reply to: Vintage Jointer for Sale #6352
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt
  • in reply to: Vintage Jointer for Sale #6349
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    An accident with a round jointer head can lead to a clipping or a small accident (I can attest to that). A square head meant a large gap that, if any part of you got nicked, it got pulled in. They were proven to be super dangerous and discontinued.

  • in reply to: Vintage Jointer for Sale #6333
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    The only question I would ever have with an old jointer is if it’s a square or round cutterhead. Square heads were discontinued because they are so dangerous. If it’s round, it’s gotta be worth its weight in cast iron.

  • in reply to: Sharpening Shop? #6311
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    Right now every road is a mess

  • in reply to: Charlie Morehouse Presentation #6289
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I posted a similar note on the private forum, but I agree, saying how great Charlie was in public lets everyone know what they are missing. And as a side note, I was in Home Depot yesterday, and a good thing, since I saw this, no doubt less than an hour from when Charlie was probably showing up to clean them out.

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  • in reply to: Cabinetmakers meeting #5950
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    Thanks guys. Here is a link for the mini router bits I mentioned, and few others:

    There might be other bits that are out there, but these were designed by Steve Latta and they are really excellent.

    Also, the different router bases:

    This is Lee Valley’s, and it’s really well made:


    And Stewart Macdonald, which makes two different ones. Also exceptionally well made. Steve Latta showed me one years ago, and he even uses the router bit, which is a precision 1/8″ dia. as a bearing against a template (with is router bits). This is the link to the page, you can click on any of them. The little pump is terrific to get rid of the dust, or you can rig up your own.


    Also check with stewmac for abalone and mother of pearl blanks.

    And the last, MicroFence, which is just an amazing company. Their products are insanely great. Also expensive..I didn’t say overpriced, they are great. I started by needing a circle template that would give me a radius of about 15 feet (for my bed), and this was the best choice. Then I needed a good ellipse template. Then Frank Klausz talked me into the router base (which I use with a Bosch Colt router). Then of course the collets, which are better. It took over 20 years, but there isn’t much more for me to get:


    It doesn’t have to be a Dremel, but it’s what I have. As I said, my old 395 from 1985 or so is way better than the newer models, and you can get one on Ebay for under $20. I do think that most of the rotary tools use a Dremel standard thread, but I don’t really know that for sure.

    I also realized I never showed a picture of the bed I made years ago. No laughs from those who know I had to make my bedroom furniture purple curly maple. It’s a lot more work (all aniline dye, two washcoats of black and red, then the purple, which I also custom mixed), then the lacquer. Anyway, the camelback top took something like 6 templates, all of them 7 feet wide with different radii (curves like this are rarely smooth irregular curves, but are a combination or circles to make sure everything is precise). I’m uploading this to show just why I needed a precision circle template that was big. And not just for one circle, but a series of changing radii. I recall that cutting the masonite templates took most of a day (now I would probably use 1/4″ or 3/8″ baltic birch, or MDF), and then cutting the maple from that took a few days. Hornery work, and not I would do it on my shaper, but I didn’t have one then (with a shaper you don’t have to worry as much about only routing downhill). It started me on the downward (or upward) spiral of being a Microfence customer. Without them, the bed and also my elliptical table, in my album here, would not have been possible, or at least much much harder.

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  • in reply to: Ongoing pizza reviews #5903
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    If you read my review (Hint to all members, READ THE NEWSLETTER!) I referred to the condition of diFara, since, like you, I think it’s germaine. And please consider this another call for reviews of not only pizzerias, but local hardware stores, since they have to be supported by us above all else.

  • in reply to: Wed's Presentation #5227
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    Joe, you beat me to posting first on how great Jim’s presentation was. Plus, too bad he felt he was running out of time. Now I want to see just how he uses his bandsaw for dovetails. And for those who haven’t seen (or felt) his work, it’s not only beautiful, but wonderfully finished.

  • in reply to: SawStop "Fired"!!! #5107
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I love the technology, but never liked the way the SawStop people chose to operate the business, funding lawsuits so only their product could meet the standard. It also doesn’t address the kickback issue. Studies have shown that, like ABS systems in cars, people tend to buy back the safety. Accident rates stayed the same since people thought their cars were safer and drove a bit more recklessly (DWIs were different, there the entire human behavior system was altered). So I can see that, as more people think their SawStop let’s them be more reckless, kickbacks (and replacement blades and cartridge sales) will increase. I think I read it here, or someplace recently, where in high schools with the cartridge, kids trigger it on dares. One day one of them will fail……

  • in reply to: Delta Unifence for Sale #3823
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    My first saw was a contractor’s saw with a Biesmeyer fence, which had to go with it when I sold it. I replaced it with a Unisaw with a Unifence, which I liked more than the Biesmeyer. I liked it’s ability to retract to do safe crosscutting, using the fence as a stop. It kept square really well and was rock solid. The design is so good that Felder copied it for their saw.

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 89 total)