Matt Stern

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Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • in reply to: Miter Saw Runout #2073
    Matt Stern

    Thanks, Mike, did not know that. Still need to do my homework, will hopefully get to it over the weekend.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  • in reply to: Miter Saw Runout #2062
    Matt Stern

    Thanks, Joe and Daryl. I have some homework to do!

  • in reply to: Making moulding from scratch #1942
    Matt Stern

    Thanks, Charlie, sounds good. I even tried using my scratch stock for the finer parts of it.

  • in reply to: Coping and Fret Saws #1939
    Matt Stern

    Bill, Charlie, and Joe:

    Thanks for your insight! Yes, the Knew Concepts looks fabulous, but I didn’t want to spend $150.

    Instead, I made a prototype out of 1/4″ aluminum, and made it kind-of like the KC, but with one major difference – I made 2 carriers; one for fret saw (scroll saw) blades, and the other for pinned coping saw blades. I turned a handle from cherry, and it’s very strong and keeps the blades noticeably tighter, and easier to work.

    I drilled it to make it lighter, but may have taken too much off the corners, as it does bend a little bit.

    More news as it develops!

  • in reply to: Matching finish to church pew #1089
    Matt Stern

    Thanks, Daryl. How to tell the difference between ash and oak (without actually touching it)?

  • in reply to: Matching finish to church pew #1086
    Matt Stern

    Thanks, Charlie. Will do.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)