Charitable Work

Charitable Work

Canine Companions

The LI Woodworkers, Inc was recently asked to build three "jump tables" for Canine Companions, a non-profit organization that raises, trains and provides service dogs for disabled individuals. The original two tables were built by former LIW member Neil Ferguson. A dozen members pitched in using donated materials to build the tables in club VP Corey Tighe's shop in East Patchogue. On Monday, April 29, 2024 we delivered the tables to Canine Companions and had a tour of the Medford facility which serves the northeastern part of the US. Our next project will be designing and building desks with drawers which will be used to train dogs that accompany their owners to work. The dogs stay under the desk and are trained to open and close drawers and retrieve items. Dogs are provided free to the recipients. Anyone wishing to donate or volunteer with Canine Companions will find more information on their website:

Mothers Day Flowers

Each year our Scroll Saw group makes wooden flowers that are donated to women in local nursing homes for Mother's Day.

Beads of Courage

Our members make wooden boxes for the Beads of Courage program.

Toys for Tots

Over the years our members have donated thousands of handmade wooden toys to the Toys for Tots program.

Toy Committee

Our newly formed Toy Committee will meet twice a week to make wooden toys for donation to various organizations.

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