Meeting location status?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Joe Bottigliere Joe Bottigliere 6 years ago.

  • Author
  • #5144

    So what is the current status of the Barn?

  • #5145
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    The barn is doing fine – it’s still standing. Our relationship with the Society is in question.
    Our board is in negotiations with the historical society. We are trying to work out the question of storage for our equipment. It does look promising that we will remain at the barn but there are a couple of hitches to that. It appears the turners may need to relocate if they wish to keep the Oneway lathe (and well they should). But this is part of the negotiations. For the time being, we will still be meeting at the barn as usual.
    Wednesday March 6th 7:00 PM at the Brush Barn.

  • #5147
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    The turners relocating will mean no tv and camera which is important for close up, detailed views of what’s being done on the lathe.

  • #5149
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Good point, Jim, but turners could hold meetings without a TV but it will be difficult without a lathe. The Historical Society is, so far, firm about not keeping the lathe at the barn. Soooo … either keep the meetings at the barn but lose the lathe or relocate with the lathe and forego the TV. However, I think it is far easier to acquire a TV than a substitute for a lathe. Keep in mind that nothing has been set in stone as of yet. And we are still looking into alternative meeting locations.

  • #5150
    Charlie James

    Perhaps a little more $ to the historical society each month will help keep the lathe at the barn? Of course, that means more $ out of the club account.

  • #5151

    Charlie, Priya Kapoor, Smithtown Historical Society Society Executive Director, was clear: one size fits all. In other words, if storage is granted to one group, it must be available to all other organizations. Mike D. offered several scenarios, up to and including attending her board meeting to make our pitch personally. Ms. Kapoor demurred, but said she will outline our “solutions” to her board. I think she mentioned they meet later this month. Stay tuned…

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