Wood Turning Smock

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 5 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #7024
    Bill Leonhardt
    Bill Leonhardt

    If I’d thought of this earlier, I’d have gone to the turner’s SIG tonight and asked this question.

    Just got my lathe on-line and started doing a test piece. As the chips were flying, I remembered how they seem to get into places that are not so pleasant. I guess that’s why there are turning smocks. So, I thought it might be a good idea to add a turning smock to my Christmas list. Any recommendations?

  • #7025
    Charlie James

    Bill, I have a leather smock that I wear when I glue or turn. Works great (when I remember to use it!) Just be careful with the string, tighten it in the back, no bow in front!

  • #7054
    Eddie Piotrowski

    Bill, check with Steve Fulgoni he was selling smocks for the Saturday woodturners club he might still have some,,

  • #7110
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I can tell you what does NOT make a good turning apparatus, a Carhartt sweatshirt with angled, open pockets.

  • #7111
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    I’ve taken change out of my pocket at a cash register and had to pick through the chips to get the coins.

  • #7112
    Charlie James

    Ha! Done the same…

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