A T T E N T I O N A L L W O O D C A R V E R S!!

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar Stephen Blakley 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #730
    Stephen Blakley

    President Frank Napoli wants to try a few new things, pending the interest of the other carvers. One of those ideas is carving faces, eyes, ears, noses, etc. and the other is a simple gear driven carving (I can’t spell the word, can’t find it on the internet, but think it is phonetically said like this “au ton a tron”.) I think this a a great idea.

    If you are new to wood carving or just want to visit a time or two, come to one of our meetings starting in 2016. We meet at 7 PM at the American Legion Hall – 20 Thompson Street, Kings Park, NY 11754, the last Wednesday of every month.

    Hope to see you there…..

  • #768
    Stephen Blakley


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