I am a new wood-turner (3 months) I need some feedback.

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Robert Crespolini 4 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8298
    Robert Crespolini

    I have placed photos in the members area. I have been forced (Covid) to teach myself. i am looking for feedback on the quality, finish, and technique. I think I have destroyed enough projects, tools,and fingers to speed up the learning curve. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated Rob C. (Rpbert Crespolini)

  • #8301
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    I am not an expert turner. Having said that, your pieces look very well done. You have been very busy judging by the number of pieces you have turned. To me, you are doing great.

  • #8304
    Robert Crespolini

    Thank you, so far the destruction and mistakes (as always) have been the best and only teacher.

  • #8307
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    You are on the right track, doing the same type of project many times helps you learn what works.

    • #8317
      Robert Crespolini

      Boxes,I find interesting, the early ones are very thick. the 3rd month they are thin and the lids are much easier to fit. most of the better ones I have already given away. wood selection now (follow the grain) is what I find drives what I make. I do not plan anything until the wood is mounted. Segmented pieces are what I would like to try. Could you send me the name of the book you used for learning segmentation? Thank You Rob C.

  • #8316
    Charlie James

    Rob, it looks like you’ve been turning 24 hours a day! Really, the projects look great. Keep turning,,, over and over and over again and then suddenly it starts to click. You realize that you are beginning to pick up certain tools and work without even thinking about it. Keep em coming..Charlie

    • #8318
      Robert Crespolini

      Charlie, I have just created small tools to work on finials and knobs. To hot in the shed for turning now I will work on some stained glass projects. Thank you for your input. Rob C.

  • #8319
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    I have Woodturning with Ray Allen: A Master’s Designs & Techniques for Segemented Bowls and Vessels by Dale Nish (2004-09-01) Amazon has 1 new copy left for $1,008.00 and used ones for $54.00.

    I haven’t read The Art of Segmented Wood Turning: A Step-By-Step Guide by Malcolm Tibbetts but it should be very good and it’s only $20.00

    If you are going to cut segments with a table saw I recommend building a wedgie sled and buying wedgies to set the fences to get the most accurate angle cuts. There are many Youtube videos about the wedgie sled. The original was designed by Jerry Bennett, I made a modified version and it works great. This video shows how to make and use one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpFNE1CHsc4

  • #8321
    Robert Crespolini

    Jim, thank you again I have ordered the book. It should arrive on Friday. Rob C.

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