Congratulations, Charlie James!

Home LIWForum LIW Public Forum Congratulations, Charlie James!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 3 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #9401

    I was riffling through the latest issue of

      Fine Woodworking

    (October 2021, p. 71) and spotted a beautiful campaign desk constructed by none other than Charles James of Williston Park, NY. The piece is an incredible melding of design, craftsmanship, and execution. Charlie, you are THE MAN!!! Congratulations on completing this significant work of art and achieving a great write-up in

      Fine Woodworking


  • #9404
    Charlie James

    Thanks Mike, I appreciate you calling it a work of art especially… I had given a talk (with pictures!) at a meeting on building this piece a few years ago. I believe the scheduled speaker didn’t show and I happened to be in Mike Daum’s field of view so he asked me to demonstrate something. I’ll bring it to the show for sure…

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  • #9408

    Charlie, I had the distinct pleasure of attending that presentation! Even with the ad-lib format, you were sensational. Now, consider a planned discussion. Walk us through the creative process; problems encountered, solutions, etc. I am sure there will be something for everyone.

  • #9411
    Charlie James

    Let me know, I still have the pictures…

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