A couple of interesting links

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ben Nawrath Ben Nawrath 4 years ago.

  • Author
  • #9060
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I came across this app for bandsaw tensioning. I subscribe to this channel, and mostly it’s more machining than what I do, but this guy created an app to help properly tension a bandsaw blade, and thought I would share it.

    And at last night’s meeting, I said I would share a link for where I get face masks that I’ve found very comfortable, and that loop around my head instead of my ears (they offer both). It’s a double layer of fabric with a filter in-between, and it’s all washable. I’ve used them for the last 9 months or so and find they are very easy to get used to. I guess they make nice shirts, but I’ve only bought the masks. Not cheap, but not disposable either, and they are so far still in very good shape.


  • #9066
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    What’s the name of that guy’s channel? For some reason nothing happens when I tap the picture. Maybe it’s because I’m on my phone…

  • #9069
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    Andrew Klein


    The part where we hate that the social media sites follow our every move stinks, but it does give us all these links we otherwise wouldn’t know about. That said, Alexa is never coming into my home, nor is a Roomba (within a few days the company now has complete plans of your house, I can live without that). End of paranoid rant.

  • #9074
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Roomba only had a detailed plan of all the crap my son leaves around.

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