Annual Exhibit

Home LIWForum LIW Public Forum Annual Exhibit

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Ben Nawrath Ben Nawrath 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2035
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Another great show?
    I have to say emphatically, yes! Congratulations to all those who made it happen from setup to break down. A special congratulations to all those who exhibited. I am always impressed and humbled by the amazing work that our members turn out. I am sincerely honored to be part of such a talented group.
    And what about our president Mike Daum – tirelessly organizing, setting up and reorganizing. A true inspiration.
    Great job everyone!

  • #2036
    Joe Pascucci
    Joe Pascucci

    Well said Joe B. It was a good Show.Mike did indeed do a great job as well as all the others. We should all be proud.

  • #2038

    Congrats to all on a great show. The projects were exceptional. Special thanks to Mike Daum and Harry Slutter, our Show Chairman.
    A personal thank you to Joe Bottigliere, Mike Luciano, Rich Macrae, Bill Leonhardt, Ben Nawrath, Charlie Morehouse, Frank Napoli, and Kara Kvilekval for presenting at our Seminars.
    Well Done!!!

  • #2039
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I’ll second what everyone else said! I felt like the crowd might not have been as big as past years (curious to know what the numbers say), but they were especially attentive and genuinely interested in the projects and presentations. The work of our club is humbling and inspiring as always, and my son Jack hasn’t put his wooden car down since he got home 🙂
    Thanks Jim and everyone else for being gentle on a first-time presenter 🙂

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