Hey Bob. I have a Laguna 14/12 also. (It’s the smaller of the two versions.) It runs for about $1.1K and accepts up to 3/4″ blades. I am very happy with it. It has lots of great features like ceramic guides, all cast iron construction, cast wheels and trunnions, rack & pinion guide adj., 1-1/2hp motor – nothing flimsy about it. I’ve resawn some hard maple about 10″ wide and was quite pleased. (I think I could have used a sharper blade but the results were acceptable.) My only gripe is setting the guides. They require no tools but can be tricky to reach the lower guides. I’m not one for tilting the table to reach them. If you have extra fat fingers, it may be a problem. But it tracks perfectly. I also do not believe in blade drift. A saw should be set so there is no drift and this saw delivers that. The fence is always kept square tot he table and as long as the blade tracks in the middle of the wheels, it’s perfect.