Buying new bearings

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Ben Nawrath Ben Nawrath 4 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #7756
    Robert DeMarco
    Robert DeMarco

    Have a question I need to buy new bearings for my joiner so I can install the new cutter head . Since I have never ordered bearings before and I am completely confused after looking at the McMaster carr web site . I need some help .I assume I am looking for sealed bearings but what type. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

  • #7757
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    The bearings usually have a manufacturers name on the race and a model number. If you go on the internet and type in bearings you will find several places to purchase bearings on LI. I just take the old bearing to the store and they match it. Did this when repairing my band saw and also my lathe. Worth a shot.

  • #7758
    Robert DeMarco
    Robert DeMarco

    Thanks Mike guess that what I’ll be doing over the weekend.

  • #7761
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Rob, Mike offers a very practical solution. But if I remember right, you have a Delta? Why not go to Delta and order from them or at least look at the parts list? I know Grizzly provides replacement bearings for their machines by model number as well.
    Also note, that there is a difference in bearings. American made have an edge over the others. You pay a few dollars more but it’s well worth it.

  • #7764
    Robert DeMarco
    Robert DeMarco

    Joe I have the part numbers . Frank Pace told me about a place in Florida going to call them on Monday . Also looked at McMaster Carr . Going to take out the old cutter head over the weekend so I have all the information on the old bearings . Should have just bought the head from my wood cutter I wouldn’t be going thru this right now .Live and learn

  • #7768
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I’ve ordered from the place in FL before (I think). But mainly there’s a bearing model number that’s universal right on the size. I can send a pic as an example if you want. You can even get them on amazon, but questionable quality.

  • #7780
    Robert DeMarco
    Robert DeMarco

    Ben I have the model numbers I need but there are different variations on each model .I know the numbers and letters mean something I just don’t know what .Glad I don’t have to do this everyday

  • #7785
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Pretty sure as long as you have those numbers and letters you’re all set.

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