cutting boards with a WOW!

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Ben Nawrath Ben Nawrath 9 years ago.

  • Author
  • #1040
    Roger Schroeder

    Hi, Woodworkers,
    A friend suggested I check out for cutting board designs I might be interested in. This same friend sent a video of the cutting sequences including initial lamination, cross cutting and relaminating for one of the boards. The results definitely had me saying: Wow!
    You might be surprised that the website is written in Russian. But there was hope for a monolingual person like myself. Look for the English flag icon at the upper right and you’ll be fine. Go to the gallery and feast on many, many cutting boards. For a guy like myself who has done parquetry items for years, this was nearly more eye candy than I could handle.
    If you look at the fifth row, first board on the left, you’ll see the board featured in the video. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out how to transfer the video from my phone to PC. When that happens, I’ll share it with you if I can.
    Roger Schroeder

  • #1041
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Nice stuff, Roger. Thanks for sharing. Even in Russian, a picture says a thousand words. No need to translate.

  • #1045
    Mike Luciano

    mtm wood has several videos on you tube showing how the boards are cut, assembled and finished. Go to youtube and enter making checkerboards to view.

  • #1067
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I remember when Frank Klausz threw down a challenge for one of the Sports Plus shows: make a cutting board. Some of us made “fancy” ones, and he hated them all (I can state that for a fact, since I was exhibits chairman then, and when around with the judges). Frank was almost upset that nobody made “a cutting board,” meaning some well machined, glued and planed boards meant for knives to chop on. The one he liked most was Joe Pascucci’s. Joe brought in an old junior high school project just to show how he started. It was a plain machined wood board with a handle.

  • #1069
    Charlie James

    I made a few this year and since I actually use the ones I made I’d have to make new ones. What does everyone think of making cutting boards for this year? Sky’s the limit! Judged if everyone wants I guess but mostly for fun? Victorian? Early American? Queen Anne? Chippendale? Glen Cove High School? Charlie

  • #1079
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Wow that’s some great stuff! I especially like the Union Jack one.

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