Delta Unifence for Sale

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Michael Luciano Michael Luciano 6 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2734
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Here’s another boys. I got a like-new Unifence with 60″ rail for sale. I’d like to get $200 but it is negotiable. The fence could mount to most any saw and of course the aluminum rail can be cut shorter if need be. I have one and it works great. If you are not familiar with the Unifence, the fence itself can easily be removed, slid forward or back on the head and (as I do) a much shorter 10″ fence can be put on for crosscuts without losing your dimensional setting.
    A sacrificial fence can be easily added as well.

  • #2746
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I have one myself, love it. I’ve considered trying to find a second “head” to leave setup with a fence on the right hand side, but it’s hard to find just that and not a whole setup. If someone wants just the rail, lemme know 🙂

  • #2747
    Charlie James

    I agree, great tool to have.

  • #2795
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    I got the fence attached Joe, it works great, now I just have to replace the right side table extension with a solid table top and make it bigger so I can use the entire length of the rail.

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  • #2801
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Nice job!
    I never considered the cut-out table would be an issue but the lever does apply downward pressure. I guess you need something under it to press back! I suppose you can simply make a plywood or laminated side table to replace that one section. No need to buy a full cast iron one. Though, it is nice to have the extra mass. It’s just more expense and more mounting screws between the components.

  • #2802
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    The foot on the back of the fence slides across the table and falls into the cut outs. I’m thinking a laminated table top and maybe some storage under it, shelves and drawers. Now I have a winter project.

  • #2809
    Charlie James

    I have been in commercial shops that have a full length piece of laminate held up with shop made legs. Of course they have plenty of room. That’s when it really becomes a “table” saw…

  • #2816
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    That’s funny. In all the years I’ve owned and operated one, I’ve never once sawed a table on it. 😉

  • #2869
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I have a delta contractor saw with a unifence. Cast iron to the left, laminate to the right with legs under it. Just make sure you have leveling feet of some sort so you can adjust it flat to the saw.

  • #3819
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Jim did you ever get your wing setup? You’re always welcome to come over and check mine out if you need ideas.

  • #3823
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    My first saw was a contractor’s saw with a Biesmeyer fence, which had to go with it when I sold it. I replaced it with a Unisaw with a Unifence, which I liked more than the Biesmeyer. I liked it’s ability to retract to do safe crosscutting, using the fence as a stop. It kept square really well and was rock solid. The design is so good that Felder copied it for their saw.

  • #3824
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    Not yet Ben, it was going to be a winter project but now it’s a spring project. The fence is great, almost like having a new saw, I decided to just do a table attached to the saw with levelers on the legs. I may add a cabinet on wheels under it later for storage.

  • #3835
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    I have spring projects that are spring projects again 🙂
    I picked up a horizontal file cabinet from the Restore in Ronkonkoma that I slid under the wing of my saw. I need to make a good blade storage insert for one of the drawers, but it’s great for feather boards, my tenon jig, etc.

  • #3837
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Hey, Ben, I was going to write an article detailing my blade storage system but I believe it was Mike M. that beat me to it. If you have a number of blades as I have accumulated over the years, you might be interested in it. Those square plastic carriers that some manufacturers include with their blades was my inspiration. Let me know and I will be happy to get you some details. You will probably be able to adapt it to the cabinet. I designed a dedicated cabinet for the holders that fit under my table saw’s side extension. Works great.

  • #3838
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Sure I’m always u for new ideas!

  • #4343
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    My winter/spring project turned into a summer rainy day project. I finally added a laminate wing to my table saw to make using the unifence easier. I considered putting storage under it but decided not to, instead I am re-purposing a couple old stereo speaker cabinets. I was going to throw them out until I realized how heavy and solid they were. I put casters on them and am using them as mobile tool cabinets for my bench top band saw and grinder. The next step is adding drawers.

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  • #4347

    Nice effort there, Jim. Don’t forget pathways for dust control hoses.

  • #4348
    Charlie James

    Looks good, like the adjustable feet. It’s great when you can repurpose something….

  • #4349
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Glad to see the fence is working out. Nice job on the projects.
    Tell me, is it easier to “tune up” your bandsaw not that it on a solid “speaker” cabinet?

    (I obviously didn’t get much sleep last night.)

  • #4353
    Charlie James

    The bandsaw will give him some feedback if he tries to cut heavy metal.

  • #4365
    Jim Moloney
    Jim Moloney

    I finished the speaker cabinet tool stands and I think I am going to have to amp up my puns skills for this group.

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  • #4367
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    Bet, that bandsaw really sings

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