Finish inside of drawers?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #8087
    Charlie James

    I haven’t seen this question in quite a while and I always find the answers interesting. Someone asked me this question just recently….So, I do use a coat of unwaxed shellac on drawer insides just to control the splintering. On the runners I’ll put one coat of shellac and wax. I don’t wax the insides of the drawers as the smell takes a very long time to go away.

  • #8088
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    Charlie, do you shellac the outside of the draws? If not why not? Most people do not as there does not seem to be a need. Manufacturers do not probably to save money.

  • #8089
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I would think you want to apply an equal amount of finish on both sides of the drawer, just to make sure the wood doesn’t warp because of an unevenly applied finish. Too much manufactured furniture now uses compressed materials with veneer even for drawers (with a false front, you can pocket screw a drawer together and you wouldn’t know unless you pulled it out and looked at the back—I know, some use dowels. but they aren’t close to strong enough to hold a drawer together for years, or even a couple of years).

  • #8090
    Charlie James

    Daryl, the finish is thin and it doesn’t matter. I put a coat of shellac inside but not wax. Shellac and wax on the outside.I always wax the runners as well, at least 2 coats..Haven’t had a problem with it yet.

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