Hi everyone. My neighbor is moving and selling his entire woodworking shop. He spent a lifetime building it. I am helping him sell his machines. Contact me through the forum or at 929.264.6032. Below is a list of major equipment for sale. He is interested selling the entire lot or individually if needed. Can email pictures. Located in Bethpage, NY.
Craftsman 13″ planer
Delta dust collector Model 50-840, 1hp
Delta 12″ miter saw with folding stand
Jet Gold Series 14″ band saw cabinet mount with rolling stand
Jet Gold Series shaper cabinet mount with rolling stand
Craftsman 13″ stand up drill press 2/3hp
Performax 16-32 Plus drum sander
Craftsman 10″ table saw
Craftsman 12″ wood lathe
Craftsman 6-1/8″ jointer-planer
Dewalt portable planer
Dewalt biscuit jointer
Delta tenoning jig
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