Looking for logs

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ben Nawrath Ben Nawrath 7 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2320
    Justin Matranga

    Hello all,

    I am currently looking for logs for an upcoming green woodworking demo, workshop tbd. Seeing as the weather has been unseasonably warm lately and there are some trees starting bud, odds are someone might be cutting down a tree. I’m hoping to swoop in and save that tree from becoming firewood or worse, woodchips.

    If you know of any healthy trees that are being cut down please let me know. Disclaimer: I am not a licensed tree climber and can not help felling a tree. However, I am willing to help clean up after in exchange for the right timber.

    Ideally, I am looking for 3-5′ log lengths 12-18″ in diameter. The trees should be straight grained with no obvious wind, twist, scars and very little taper (imagine a telephone pole like log). The section between the root swell and the first branches is what I’m looking for. Also, whole logs cut that have been cut in the past few months can be used as long as there are no worms or rot.

    As far as species go, oak (red or preferably white), ash, and hickory all split very well. These are called ring porous hardwoods. I am also looking for 3-6″ limbs of hardwood (birch, cherry, maple etc) for spoon / bowl carving. Crooked and odd shapes are good for this type of work.

    Here’s a link to the type of stuff I’m looking for


    Please feel free to call or email me if you know of anything. I live in Nassau but am I willing to travel and pick up anywhere on the island.

    Justin Matranga

  • #2331
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    Any luck yet Justin?

  • #2337
    Justin Matranga

    Just picked up a ton of hickory today. No really, a literal ton. Lol.

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  • #2435
    Ben Nawrath
    Ben Nawrath

    And boy are your arms tired…

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