Machining Ipe

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 5 years, 12 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5202
    Bill Leonhardt
    Bill Leonhardt

    A friend gave me 4 pieces of wood he says is Ipe. A little under 3″ in diameter and 12″ – 17″ long. I think they are scraps from a dock installation. It’s heavy (sinks in water).

    Anyone have experience machining this material? I’m thinking I might try to turn it and make tool handles and/or handles for other things (ice cream scoops, etc).

  • #5203
    Charlie James

    It’s a very hard wood to work. It will dull anything it touches, tools will need constant sharpening. Pilot holes are a must. Careful of the dust as well, people can be highly allergic or can become allergic while working with it. Careful of splinters as well, they can become infected. Gluing can be an issue as well, it has to be chemically cleaned before gluing to remote the oils temporarily so it can set.

  • #5204
    Bill Leonhardt
    Bill Leonhardt

    Thanks Charlie, I had forgotten about the toxicity issue. I’ll be careful, or perhaps, just not work it at all.

  • #5205
    Charlie James

    I wouldn’t be able to work with it. I know people that do and they work it outside…

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