Sawstop technology

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 11 months, 1 week ago.

  • Author
  • #11843
    Charlie James

    This technology will be built into every new saw eventually.

  • #11845
    Charlie James

    Couldn’t edit and add so I answered my post. This technology will make it’s way into every saw eventually. It’s a wonderful system but they neglect to mention the cost of a new blade and triggering system. $130 for the cartridge and the blade can be $50+ depending, not too shabby if it saves your digits. The saw is a little more expensive than others without the system but since I don’t own one, I can’t compare the quality.

  • #11846

    Thanks Charlie. I think eventually cutting wood will be automated.


  • #11847
    Charlie James

    I agree, like the Jetson’s…

  • #11893
    Gene Arguelles
    Gene Arguelles

    Sawstop says they will give away for free their patent if the Gov passes a new bill requiring all saw manufacturers to include this safety feature in their saws. Hmmm, did SawStop find a way to eliminate the competition? Wonder how many can afford to redesign their products in order to incorporate this technology.

  • #11895
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Not to mention the cost of hot dogs!

  • #11896
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Put a log in one end of the machine, press a few buttons and a table comes out the other.

    But you’ll have to pry my Lie-Nielsen from my dead before I press those buttons.

  • #11897
    Charlie James

    About 45 years ago I worked in a wood shop when they brought in a $250,000 wood cutting machine from Germany. They sent workers from Germany to install it. No computers back then, just type in measurements, throw in a sheet of furniture grade plywood and the plywood comes out cut to size. Now, the plywood goes in and is cut, glued, screwed and spray finished into any piece of furniture you want. Anyway, the manufacturers say it will take up to 6 years to incorporate the Sawstop system into their machines. Felder has their own system which only requires the press of a button to get the machine back to working order.

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