This is a ridiculous accessory

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Daryl Rosenblatt Daryl Rosenblatt 8 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #1125
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    I love Lee Valley; their innovation, their wonderful workmanship, the clean ideas. But this one is, to me, silly. I don’t own their saws, but am told they are great. And of all hand tools, using a hand saw has about the shortest learning curve. Holding a saw square, and cutting to the depth you want takes very little time. You spend an hour with a poplar board and a dovetail or any other joinery saw, and you’ve got it down for the rest of your life. I know they have to sell new tools, but really, this?

  • #1126
    Bill Hendler
    Bill Hendler

    Daryl, by coincidence, I noticed a joinery saw with a depth stop in the Japan Woodworking catalog last week:—Kondo.aspx

    Maybe it’s a trend. I agree it seems like a solution in search of a problem.

  • #1136
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Well, fellows, though I tend to agree that these devices may seem like overkill or a waste, they are far from new. Such devices for hand saws have been around for many, many years. Some were user made and added on by the craftsman. Later, it became a manufactured item. There was obviously a need for such a device as is made evident in several older texts as well as newer hand-tool user instructions. I’m sure if we were to use our saws everyday for hours we would come across a definite need for such a depth stop. For our occasional use, however, we find it silly much like the need for a toothing plane. 🙂

  • #1138
    Charlie James

    Ahhh, the toothing plane…..

  • #1144
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Come on, Charlie, don’t hold back. Let us know what you really think about toothing planes …

  • #1157
    Charlie James

    It’s getting close to April 1st. I may answer your question around that time.

  • #1167
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    Guys, check out Woodpeckers new accessory for Track Saws. The device holds the track square. It only cost $100.

  • #1168
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    So my method of using my square on my track still works, but for another $100, I get to do exactly what?

  • #1169
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    You do the same thing, only with a neat looking tool. WDaryl, income redistribution. Made in America. Order now. Ship in August. One time chance, never offered again.

  • #1170
    Charlie James

    After looking at these products I realized there is hope for my “chain saw powered – finger splinter remover” after all! Ill apply for a patent immediately.

  • #1171
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    I’ll buy one Charlie … at a club discount, of course. As the production work picks up, I invariably get more splinters. I just don’t have the time to stand there and pull them out. A nifty auto puller like yours just might do the trick. I heard the Dominys had a water powered one in their clock shop back in the day.

  • #1172
    Charlie James

    My ex-friends Lefty and Pinky are trying to spread rumors on Facebook about how dangerous the CSP-FSR is. Don’t believe it, they’re jealous because they were the Guinea pigs, I mean, testers. They’re suing, It’s always about money, isn’t it!

  • #1197
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    If you could use solar panels to power your CSP-FSR, I think you have a winner.

  • #1198
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    But then it wouldn’t be a CSP-FSR but rather an SP-FSR! But that is another market to conquer.

  • #1199
    Charlie James

    Mike, that’s a good idea, I didn’t think of that. I’d like to get it off the ground with gas/oil powered CSP-FSR at the proper mixture ( of course) at first. The solar or perhaps wind power will be for the future models. You can interview for the position of ecological minded CFO or EM-COO at the next meeting, bring your idea’s. You can be EM-COO @ CSP=FSR! All your friends will be jealous of the free trips you’ll get.

  • #1202
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    Please order me:
    (1) SP-FSR
    (1) WP=FSR

    Ship FOB ASAP

    I wanted a NP-FSR, but the FBI and CIA complained. So it was NFG for me.

    Per the FAA can a WP-FSR be airshipped, or must it be UPS?

    Anyway, have to go. Reruns of MASH now.

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