Vintage Jointer for Sale

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar Charlie James 5 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6329
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    I was recently contacted by someone selling a vintage Heston & Anderson 6″ jointer – circa 1940. The tool needs some TLC but I am told the motor runs. If you like restoring and using quality old machines, here is a great opportunity. I’m sure the seller is willing to negotiate in order to get this into the right hands!
    If you are interested, let me know and I will forward you his email address.

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  • #6333
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    The only question I would ever have with an old jointer is if it’s a square or round cutterhead. Square heads were discontinued because they are so dangerous. If it’s round, it’s gotta be worth its weight in cast iron.

  • #6337
    Michael Luciano
    Michael Luciano

    Daryl, I am curious, why is a square head dangerous? Is it blade attachment?

  • #6339
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Don’t be silly, Mike. It’s obvious. The round cutter head helped make the board flat. The square heads made the board round. Running the rounded board repeatedly over the bed was very dangerous. How could you not realize that?

  • #6340
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Seriously, I am pretty sure this is a typical jointer with a round head. I could inquire but only if there is interest.

  • #6344
    Charlie James

    The square model Hestone and Anderstone was discontinued immediately as they only worked in Flinstones cartoons. In Bedrock, Twist, twist… Ya gotta know your Flinstones to get that joke…

  • #6349
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt

    An accident with a round jointer head can lead to a clipping or a small accident (I can attest to that). A square head meant a large gap that, if any part of you got nicked, it got pulled in. They were proven to be super dangerous and discontinued.

  • #6352
    Daryl Rosenblatt
    Daryl Rosenblatt
  • #6353
    Charlie James

    Never knew that…The machines are dangerous enough…

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