Now that the dovetail workshop is done, you can apply those chisel and saw skills to make your very own Roubo cellphone and bookstand (yes, you can make both). The Roubo is one piece of wood that, with the right layout, chiseling and sawing, will magically unfold (and then fold flat when you are done) into a stand for your cellphone, the larger one for a tablet or a book (giving you plenty of time to sit and read The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire you all wanted to finish).
The link is on the landing page here, and we still have a few spots left. We will provide the wood and the pizza, plus a few tools you likely won’t have or it’s too much of a bother to bring. (such as a Dremel in a drill press and a couple of pinless fretsaws you need for a couple of cuts, if you don’t have one).