Wood Rack Available

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Edward Dillon Edward Dillon 7 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #2729
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    I put up a new system to store my lumber. So my old lumber rack is available if anyone wants it. It has four levels (including the base) and sits on wheels. It measures 72″ wide, 29″ deep and 54″ tall. There are four posts 24″ apart and it all quite sturdy! I haven’t calculated the board footage I had on it, but it was most likely over 200BF! The space in the back allowed for some sheet goods and odds and ends. It was very functional.
    I will attempt to attach a couple pictures of it. If you are interested, please contact me directly or leave a message here. I can bring it to this Wednesday’s meeting or you can pick it up. (Sorry, no deliveries.) Thanks.

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  • #2732
    Charlie James

    Can I have your new system instead?

  • #2733
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    As soon as I use up all the lumber sitting on it, you can come and get it. I’ll even put it in my will that once all that wood is used up, someone from your family has to take it and put it where ever you are at that time. Even if that is a mantle.
    BTW, I will be bringing some lumber to the meeting if anyone is interested. NO, I’m not dying just cleaning up the shop!

  • #2735
    Edward Dillon
    Edward Dillon

    What do you mean use up the lumber ?
    I thought it came with 200 BF of quality lumber .

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