Joe Bottigliere

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Model Train Show #2448
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Are they wooden trains? …

  • in reply to: Saratoga Springs Bus Trip!!! #2348
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    We’ve tried a van a few years back (maybe more than just a few). Actually, it was more like a small bus. That didn’t go over too well. Everyone is free to car pool and go up on their own. And that, I know, is what a few of the guys are doing. I personally would not want to get involved in managing someone else’s vehicle. Likewise, I don’t think it prudent for the club to rent a vehicle and take responsibility for someone to drive it.

    No one is more disappointed than I that this trip had to be cancelled. It’s a long standing tradition that is falling by the wayside. Perhaps it’s scheduling. Maybe it’s financial. Could be it’s just getting old. But with the exception of the Turners, I find it difficult to understand that from the remaining 150 members we could not find 30 people interested in supporting this activity. Maybe it just needs a rest.

  • in reply to: Saratoga Springs Bus Trip!!! #2345
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Nice idea, Charlie, and I would certainly be one to take advantage of it. But that would not be fiscally responsible of the Board. The bus alone costs nearly $2K. Include tickets and a tip and you won’t be doing things like that for long. Just because we have the money doesn’t mean we should spend it frivolously. But I think everyone knows that.

  • in reply to: Saratoga Springs Bus Trip!!! #2340
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Due to an underwhelming interest in this function, the bus trip has been cancelled.
    For those of you who have paid, please see me at the next upcoming meeting (Turners, Cabinetmakers or general) and I will refund your money.

  • in reply to: Saratoga Springs Bus Trip!!! #2309
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Time is drawing near for when we need to get our deposit in on the bus. Surprisingly, we have only 14 members signed up for the trip. We need a minimum of 30 attendees to make this happen. If you are considering attending please let me know. Either email me or post here on the forum and I will get back to you. If you are not familiar with the trip or if it would be worth your while, again, contact me or someone who has gone and we will be happy to explain. This has traditionally been a fun and educational outing. It would be disappointing if it did not take place.

  • in reply to: roll top desk complete #2242
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Real nice job, Roger! Magnificent wood too. May then bills and paperwork you need to manage be as small as this.
    Can’t wait to see it.

  • in reply to: A roll top in progress #2106
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Who you kidding, Charlie, you love it. And I bet the desk does too. I’m surprised to hear how well the contact cement holds up. But it is good news since it really reduces the stress of clamping.

    Roger, “Old Brown Glue” is a brand name of a liquid hide glue. I have a bottle I turn to every once in a while. I’ve read that you can heat it up to make it flow better. It’s not as versatile as hot hide glue (when it cools it’s still a liquid) but it does provide all the reverse capability as the original stuff.

  • in reply to: A roll top in progress #2101
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Coming along real nicely.
    I would imagine that contact cement has its plus and minuses in this case. I’m curious to see how it holds up in the long haul.

  • in reply to: Roll top desk revisited #2093
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    Nice job so far, Roger. However, I really don’t think that tape will hold up in the long haul. You need to improve on your joinery techniques. Likewise, I have to say I’m not fond of your color choice.

    How did you finally resolve the glue up for the rail and stile on the end panels?

  • in reply to: Lithium ion drill #2092
    Joe Bottigliere
    Joe Bottigliere

    I’m not one for fancy cordless equipment. Maybe because I don’t have to use it everyday and don’t put tremendous demands on the tools. Maybe it’s because I’m cheap … I mean frugal. Maybe because we know they have a finite life expectancy regardless of how well we take care of them so why make a huge investment. That said, I find the Ryobi 18V LI tools to be a great value. They are very affordable and have proven very reliable for years. I started with a 14V drill. When I wanted a circular saw and then impact driver, they were not available in 14V and had to upgrade to 18 which was using the LI batteries. That had to be nearly 8-10 years ago. Each of those tools are still working and I’ve only had to replace one battery in that time. I could have spent 3X that for a Dewalt or PC but aside from an occasional slipping chuck, they have performed to my expectations. Happy shopping.

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